DIY Glitter Headband for New Years Eve Party

head band

head band 2

Image credit:  First Image, Second Image

Celebrate New Years Eve in style with a creative, fun, playful hand-crafted sparkling headband!  You can start by cutting out simple shapes, such as a star or heart with cardboard (use a cookie cutter as a stencil if you like), cover in glue and sprinkle on the glitter… you can seal the glitter with a spray adhesive if you have some, then attach to your glitter-ized shape with hot glue to any headband you have lying around your house… and voila!  a quick, easy craft and party accessory :)

Another method like the one created in the first picture would be to cut out an oval shape and hot glue sparkly silk flowers to it, and then hot glue that onto a headband… so easy, fun and unique!  You can find sparkling silk flowers at your local craft store.